JA... ich mag Männer... und da habe ich 2 besondere Vorlieben... Männer, die eine sehr enge und lange Vorhaut haben...oder auch mit einer Phimose... und dann liebe ich Boys / Kerle / Männer mit besonders viel Behaarung...je mehr um so besser...so richtige gayle Bären oder bears...
The final portrait presents that phase of the drama of the emergence of love's penispith from its sheath in which its singular hue and texture are irreversibly established to the lover's delectation. We exult in this moment, applauding the genius of this design instinctively, and for top there is great pleasure in the incremental procession of the crown from its soothing but confining shroud. Soon all of dick will be laid bare in praise's contemplation, and males will gather from the other corners of the room to welcome its emergence in their midst.